Welcome to MJLINKS.COM. The worlds most popular online community for the curious or for hard core marijuana enthusiasts to stay abreast of current events, news, chat, network, make travel plans, share information, or just to browse through the wealth of information provided here.
Five hundred years ago, some white men found themselves in the jungles near the Cape of Good Hope. They were “discovered” by the aborigines who took them to their chief. After the greeting ceremony that required genuflection and perhaps even prostration, and after the chief had made his position of authority amply clear; these men were entertained. They were offered food, and… bangue – an intoxicating drink made of the leaves and flowers of
There was a time when you could get into a bus in London and reach Delhi. The bus would take you to Turkey; then through Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, it would finally arrive in Kashmir, India. But those were different times. That was the time when Afghanistan was an apparently peaceful and secular country; when Pakistan wasn’t infested with terrorists; and when Kashmir indeed was heaven on earth. Those were the 60s and the 70s, when….
A high quality greenhouse covered with multi-wall polycarbonate sheets provides numerous benefits to the grower. The material has very good insulating values that allows the grower to start their season earlier and finish later in the year. Additionally, polycarbonate sheeting provides security from vandals as well as protection from nuisance pests. It allows the grower total control of their growing environment.
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Even in the continued repressive shadow of federal prohibition, the marijuana industry is flourishing and continues to blossom. Many new and unique marijuana strains continue to be developed on an almost daily basis. So standing out from the crowd and establishing a strain as a staple in the marketplace can be quite an accomplishment in itself, let alone becoming one of the top ten preferred varieties.
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Featuring quick, easy, and tasty recipes such as Easy Skillet Mac and Cheeba, 420 Teaz, and more!.
Learn how to make Canna Butter, the main ingredient in many marijuana recipes.
Simple how to recipe for making Molded Chocolate Bonbons with Canna Butter centers!
Click here for Cooking with Marijuana Recipes.
China has the longest recorded historical association with cannabis, and yet today a Chinese citizen can be arrested for possessing cannabis. While a foreigner would more often than not be forgiven for a similar lapse, the locals are expected to obey the law that keeps them away from something that is more theirs than anybody else’s. They were the ones who had discovered it first – even before the Indians figured out its medical usage and determined a religious framework that resulted in a recreational use of Bhang or Marijuana.
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